Tuuletraal OÜ
Pleased to make your acquaintance! And welcome, all former guests of the TUULETRAAL dot EE! The new “WINDTRAWL” site is simply the old “TUULETRAAL” translated* . Our domain emigration was a choice to offer you a better privacy.
(* Not your language? Try Google search with “translate page”)
TUULETRAAL was created 2013 and respective application for 91 sqkm (roughly 9.5 km by 9.5 km) over the absolutely best Estonian offshore location was filed in June same year. Project is located in the north of Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea. Area centroid is at N58deg7min30sec E23deg25min, equivalent to N58.125 E23.41666. Please copy-paste the last pair of coordinates into Query Field of this great resource at https://globalwindatlas.info

to review the 150 m or even 200 m a.s.l. wind climate (i.e. possible 15 – 25 MW turbine hub heights). Additionally, a great public interactive EIA resource is here: http://mereala.hendrikson.ee/kaardirakendus.html
The sea depth range is 20 – 30 m. The soil is suitable for all types of substructure.
We expect strongest wind climate in Estonia due to considerable distance to all shores – vertical wind profile is perfect – and special topographical north-south-north and west-east-west wind channels. Average wind speed has an additional rising trend due to continuous shortening of the average sea ice period.

The area of the activities has been selected in such a way that it is as far away from the coast, nature conservation areas and European Natura 2000 area as possible. The wind farm is approximately 25 km west of KIHNU island, south of LÄÄNERANNA municipality and south-west of PÄRNU municipality. The proposed turbines lie at some 30 km north of RUHNU island and south-east of SAAREMAA island. In the north is MUHU island, about 40 km. In the east, roughly 50 km away, is the municipality of HÄÄDEMEESTE. LATVIA (cape KOLKA) lies in the south-west, ca 55 km away. We are firmly developing the locational advantages we have.
Our previous severe turbine tip height restrictions will be fully lifted starting 2027.
TUULETRAAL has obtained 2019 an exclusive license from the Estonian government to carry out environmental studies and subsequently qualify for a 50-year sea area lease that can be prolonged by another 50.

Our concept foresees 50 pcs 15 MW class or 30 pcs 25 MW class wind turbines to produce 4300 FLH/yr electrical energy amounting to 3 TWh/yr. Preferred turbine producers MINGYANG and GE RENEWABLE ENERGY come from countries with superb national ice-engineering expertise, respectively CHINA and the USA.
Planning issues regarding subsequent transformation of electricity into hydrogen and e-fuels will be covered in a separate process. The regulatory consultations regarding EIA Program version #5 have started. Find your copy below.
B R E A K I N G !
International Economic Hit-men have landed to destroy Estonian economy and well-being of the ordinary Estonians. Find the documents here:
TUULETRAAL’s ownership and operations are fully independent from STATE – anyone making opposite claims is bluntly lying.
TUULETRAAL has been progressing since 2013 with 100% transparency, that’s one of our greatest assets. We will keep it that way!
A fundamental principle of fair competition is that companies compete independently. Helpful rules for a jurisdiction to follow are:
- abuse of dominant position is prohibited and emergence of favorable conditions for a dominant position to develop, must be made as hard as possible
- no company can show openness to its competitors enabling implicit assumption and easy anticipation of changes in its conduct
- no entities will be qualified, having demonstrated identical conduct on any market (i.e. allocation of territories/segments according to “tutti devono essere felici” motto)
A fair competition benefits the nation:
- it virtually eliminates corruption
- it enables lowest price for energy through unlocking lowest interest rates from EBRD and similar multilaterals, hence resulting in lowest marginal costs & WACC
Any fair competition irregularities should be kindly reported:
Business Case
Our 2 partners have over 40 years combined power plant development expertise. SVEN has created and exited successfully from 2 private onshore wind developments. EERO is one of the best local experts in offshore wind, active since 2008. EERO has worked for the International Finance Corporation (IFC, a World Bank Group Member), Washington D.C., at the Commercializing Energy Efficiency Finance Program.
The founders are now looking for a strategic partner to finance TUULETRAAL DEVEX. Be prepared to act or invest fully ethically and deeply transparently.
We treasure privacy, and keep you very private! You should prepare, how to successfully introduce yourself (e.g. 2FA), as we actually never communicate with anyone anonymous. Please be very clear and sign digitally your business proposition. All communication shall be in writing.